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Business : Education : Community – it’s in our DNA

An Aspen Holdings initiative

In July 2017 Aspen Group Legal once again collaborated with the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), to host the second Aspen-UKZN Legal Workshop.

Third and fourth year UKZN law students were invited to submit an online application for the opportunity to attend a five-day Legal Workshop at Aspen’s head office in Durban. The Workshop is intended to provide law students with practical exposure to law practiced in a multinational commercial environment.

We were pleased to host thirty deserving students this year, who participated in all the sessions with much enthusiasm and passion. The Workshop agenda was designed around specific interactive sessions where the students undertook ‘live’ case studies in intellectual property, contract drafting and negotiation, litigation etc. In addition, highlights of the week were panel discussions on career pathing with some of our junior legal professionals and legal professionals within Aspen that have forged successful careers outside of pure in-house legal. Our colleagues in Group HR presented the students with valuable sessions on CV preparation, interview tips, and key success factors in a corporate environment.

The Workshop successfully brings the world of business, education and community together in the hope of imparting practical legal skills to the students and showing them possible career options outside of traditional legal practice.

Much effort went into the planning and organisation of the Workshop and each member of the Aspen Group Legal team was heartened that our impact over this five-day period will last well into the future of each of these students. We are indeed fortunate to be part of a business that allows us to give back in a meaningful way.

In the words of the students themselves, “It is very heart-warming that Aspen is so caring and community orientated to help students learn and experience something so different. Aspen is indeed a company that cares for people and education. Thank you!” – Student participant 2017.

“All in all, the greatest factor in making this week meaningful is the overwhelming passion of all those involved” – Student participant 2017.
“The level of excellence is indescribable. This was such an unselfish sacrifice by Aspen. We have been extremely challenged and motivated” – Student participant 2017.

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